The Crystal Collector Game

Guess • Strategize • Then Guess Again

How to play:

  • • You will be given a random number at the start of the game. This is the "Number to Guess".
  • • There are four crystals below. When you click on a crystal, you will add a specific amount of points to your total score.
  • • You win the game by matching your total score to the "Number to Guess".
  • • You lose the game if your total score goes above the "Number to Guess".
  • • The value of each crystal is hidden from you until you click on it.
  • • Each time the game starts, you will be given a new random number and the values of each crystal will also change.

Number to Guess:

Your Total Score: 

Click on a crystal to add to your total score

Yay! You won! Click on a crystal to play again!

Nuts! You didn't win. Click on a crystal to play again!

Score Card

